
Discipling the Streets


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This was a thing God spoke to me about. This is one that is personal to me. For years since high school till maybe mid-twenties, I had bad depression. I was having suicidal thoughts. From that time and over the years, I was slowly feeling better. I began seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The negative thoughts weren't weighing me down as much anymore. Getting to my early thirties, I was feeling attacked again. The deep depression I had from my youth was beginning to just weigh me down again out of nowhere BUT GOD. It was in that dark moment God began speaking to me about this that the lies in our mind create an image of ourselves that isn't true.

I am not worthy.
They don't care.
I'm not loved.
Why me?
Do I have a purpose?
No one wants me?
They are better.
I can't get out of this.
I feel alone.
I'm stuck.
I can't.
Am I enough?
I don't belong here.
He's better.
She's better.
No one loves me.
I don't matter.
I don't have a purpose.
I'm done.
Why am I even here?

Do any of these hit home? All those negative thoughts create are lies. Don't let your negative thoughts say that you can't or that you don't have a purpose. Those were a couple of the many negative thoughts that would repeat over and over in my mind. God has a purpose for you. Know who you are and whose you are. Let Him move and watch what He can do in YOUR life. Make this personal. Surround these negative thoughts with your personal affirmations to start your day. Don't let the negative thoughts be a stronghold and have any advantage.

This is a message in this message. God spoke to me about this as my mind was in a really bad spot. Positive thoughts weren't a thing in my mind. It felt I was back to where it all started. It was in that dark moment that God spoke to me. We need to understand that no matter where we are at, God is there. He will never leave us nor forsake us. We need to know that He is there where we are at. We also need to understand that He will even be there to speak to us in those times. We just get lost in those negative thoughts that we don't realize He is there trying to speak to us. He may not say what we expect but over time it will make sense. When He began speaking to me about this, it wasn't what I expected. I continued listening and it all made sense over time.

8"x10" Matte Paper Poster